Friday, July 29, 2016

So there together! With Hillary — history as backdrop ...

Oh, Carole, we were so together ... you in a white pantsuit, not like Hillary's last night at the DNC, she MAKING history, yours was white cotton with short sleeves and you were worried the gardeners would clip too close to you bushes, a take from Curt voicing his concern at meeting with Village of Pinecrest, as in Pinecrest Floods,,  he  making sure our back fence remains intact when they build the wall in back — a wall on porous limestone, what a colossal fuck up that property development is — filling in wetland, sumpland  that had saved us from stormwaters — had protected, and since filled and elevated for mansions, floods us!!! Butchery, a double whammy and now with ZIKA mosquitoes near.  Can you imagine????

Four local cases, meaning not from traveling, local mosquitoes!!!  And the FDA saying S Fla. should NOT donate blood w/o having it screened. 

Anyway, back to us, we talking and laughing, and I was taking a shower at your house and forgot  a towel but had mistakenly taken cell phone, was large, older type and called you to ask for a towel!!!!! You tossed one in ...

Seeing Hillary Clinton accept the nomination was exhilarating! Being with you this morning in dreams an extension ... tangible, touchable. Real. Realized.

Little Genie stayed over nights before and we were glued to democratic national convention on computer, PBS kept going out, Curt bought  new antenna with rotator, PBS practically the only TV station we watch, PBS  and Svengoolie on Sat nights---very old horror flicks, so campy ....

Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016

Hi Carole,

Mom's birthday and missing you terribly.

Different worlds.

Love, H