Hey Carole, I really did wander over to Trader Joe's without your physicality, thoughts of you as I sauntered. Is smaller than Borders, less enchanting with a warehouse setup and was mobbed, traffic a mess. An announcement came on, saying they were towing cars from Roasters and Toasters.
Roasters, that did it! You and all the coffee fill-ups when it was closer to your place, moved a few blocks north about the time you died, before or after, who knows? That wouldn't have made a difference although no longer a coffee shoppe now a full deli. Even simple changes without you a heartache: "the energy a survivor sits with, in a dark corner, talking..."
There is a white elephant sale close by here tomorrow, October 19, the day you died eleven years ago. Craig would later tell me there was one in Key West near you, one you'd been looking forward to but decided to pass, not feeling well, telling him just hours before. Oh Carole, had I known, I would have warned him, zoomed down to Key West, wrapped you in my arms and gotten you to hospital. Craig didn't understand the implications of your missing the tohotchkes, the big finds. My solace is believing you are together in a wondrous space.