Friday, October 16, 2015

FBI Tea Party. Is a few few days before Oct 19 ... 2002 - 2015

Hi Carole, always with you, imagining how much fuller our lives would have been. Must be grateful for what we had, still have in a changed sense, mostly tears. Other have it worse is what I tell myself.

Just getting back into us, have spent all summer with Pinecrest Floods. Last two floods were last two weeks of October. Getting treated by Pinecrest the way our father treated us, screwed. FUCKED. Should be used to it.


Found a Senate report from 1988 referred to as  Kerry report. Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy. Pages beginning around 42 eye poppers, stuff I'd forgotten or never knew, relates to the Barbara Trent movie we saw ... will work some into our story.

Boys are doing OK, at least they have a place that needs a new roof!

Love and miss you.


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